söndag 16 januari 2011

Rockklassiker offer för politiskt korrekt censur

KANADA Mer dumheter från den politiskt korrekta värld vi lever i: I Kanada har Dire Straits klassiker ”Money for nothing” bannlysts på hundratals privata radiostationer efter att en lyssnare beklagat sig över att sången innehåller ordet ”faggot” (bög) och Canadian Broadcast Standards Council gett personen rätt.

The song "Money for Nothing" by British rock band Dire Straits (from their 1985 album Brothers in Arms) included three instances of the word "faggot".  It is that version of the song that was broadcast on OZ FM on February 1, 2010 (the station's declared policy is to broadcast classic rock songs in their original form).  A listener complained that the word "faggot" is discriminatory to gays.  The broadcaster argued that the song had been played countless times since its release in the 1980s, that it has been a very popular song since that time, and that it has won music industry awards.  The complainant then pointed out that OZ FM does indeed edit other songs that contain other types of offensive language.

The CBSC's Atlantic Regional Panel examined the complaint under the Human Rights Clauses of the CAB Code of Ethics and Equitable Portrayal Code, both of which prohibit the broadcast of abusive or unduly discriminatory content on the basis of sexual orientation, as well as clauses in the Equitable Portrayal Code relating to degrading material and inappropriate terminology.  The Panel concluded that the broadcast of the unedited version of the song violated those Code provisions because the word "faggot", even if once acceptable, has evolved to become unacceptable in most circumstances.

Canadian Broadcast Standards Council

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