onsdag 4 november 2009

Palestinian refugees demand better homes and furniture.

Palestinian refugees demand better homes, better furniture, more cabinet space in the kitchen, larger diningroom table, more light, good food and more. They don't like the apartment they were given even when swedes are forced to live in similar homes. They demand larger apartments with more light and well appropriated furniture. They complain about stained ceiling, dirty wallpaper, matresses om the floor, etc.

Swedes pay for daycare and take care of their kids but the refugees still complain that the apartment is to small, they can't study there.

The term "demand machines" was launched in Denmark when muslim refugees arrived and immediatly started to demand a large number of things from the host country. They demand mosks, muslim schools, Imans, nice homes, food and cash.

News reports in Swedish:

Fyra i en etta:

Citat om Nalin Pekgul:
Är det verkligen etiskt och moraliskt försvarbart att vi har en politiker i Sverige som har haft seriösa tankar på att döda andra människor genom terroristattacker?

Den frågan ställer jag mig när jag lever i ett samhälle där politiker tvingas avgå för att de inte betalar sina tv-licenser. Vad tycker ni?